SIP-7: Snaps UI Source

Author Frederik Bolding, Maarten Zuidhoorn, Guillaume Roux
Status Draft
Created 2022-10-27


This SIP proposes a way for Snaps to compose custom UIs using the existing implemented components of the MetaMask extension, while keeping security intact. The proposal specifies how a Snap can specify a UI using JSON, manage user input and update the UI on the fly. For this, this specification outlines a number of JSON-RPC methods for implementation.

This will allow for an improved user experience and customisability over the existing user interface solution for Snaps.


One of the most requested features in Snaps is the ability to create a custom user interface. This should be done in such a way that it has the same look and feel as MetaMask, while still distinguishable from the main MetaMask user interface. By using a JSON-based format, Snaps can define their own user interface in a way that is safe to implement.


Formal specifications are written in TypeScript.


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” written in uppercase in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


type Json =
  | null
  | boolean
  | number
  | string
  | Json[]
  | { [prop: string]: Json };


This SIP proposes that Snaps compose their own UIs using the existing MetaMask components, but for the sake of simplicity and security, we only allow this composition via JSON.

A user interface definition is therefore a JSON object composed of different types of components, which on render will be converted to React by the MetaMask extension.

All components will derive from a base component and have at a minimum a type.

interface BaseComponent {
  type: string;

Initial components

This SIP describes a couple of components for the initial version of the UI:

  1. A panel component, which renders a list of children components.
  2. A heading component, rendering the text as a HTML heading (h1, h2, h3, and so on).
    1. The heading is rendered dynamically based on the nesting of panels, i.e.:
      1. A heading in a panel at the root SHOULD render a h1.
      2. A heading in a panel nested in the root panel SHOULD render a h2.
      3. etc.
  3. A plain text component, rendering the text as a HTML paragraph (p).
  4. A button component, rendering the text as a HTML button (button), with an optional ID for handling user input.
    1. The button can have two variants: primary and secondary.
    2. If the variant is not specified, primary SHOULD be used.
  5. A submit button component, rendering the text as a HTML button (button) of type submit, with an optional ID for handling user input.
    1. The button can have two variants: primary and secondary.
    2. If the variant is not specified, primary SHOULD be used.
  6. A divider component, rendering a HTML thematic break (hr).
  7. A spacer component, pushing content around it to the top and bottom, similar to how flex-grow works.
  8. A spinner component, rendering a spinner to indicate loading data.
  9. A copyable component, rendering the value along a copy icon that copies the value in the clipboard.
  10. A form component, which renders a list of children components to define a form, with an ID for handling user input.
  11. A text input component, rendering an HTML input (input) of type text with an ID for handling user input.
    1. An aditional label MUST be rendered if defined in the label field.
  12. A password input component, rendering an HTML input (input) of type password with an ID for handling user input.
    1. An aditional label MUST be rendered if defined in the label field.
  13. A number input component, rendering an HTML input (input) of type number with an ID for handling user input.
    1. An aditional label MUST be rendered if defined in the label field.
type ComponentType = 'panel' | 'heading' | 'text' | 'button' | 'divider' | 'spacer' | 'spinner' | 'copyable' | 'form' | 'input';

interface PanelComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'panel';
  children: Component[];

interface HeadingComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'heading';
  text: string;

interface TextComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'text';
  value: string;

interface ButtonComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'button';
  variant?: 'primary' | 'secondary';
  buttonType: 'button'
  value: string;
  name?: string;

interface SubmitButtonComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'button';
  variant?: 'primary' | 'secondary';
  buttonType: 'submit'
  value: string;
  name?: string;

interface DividerComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'divider';

interface SpacerComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'spacer';

interface SpinnerComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'spinner';

interface CopyableComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'copyable';
  value: string;

interface FormComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'form';
  name: string;
  children: Component[];

interface TextInputComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'input';
  value?: string;
  name: string;
  inputType: 'text'
  placeholder?: string;
  label?: string;

interface PasswordInputComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'input';
  value?: string;
  name: string;
  inputType: 'password'
  placeholder?: string;
  label?: string;

interface NumberInputComponent extends BaseComponent {
  type: 'input';
  value?: string;
  name: string;
  inputType: 'number'
  placeholder?: string;
  label?: string;

type Component =
  | PanelComponent
  | HeadingComponent
  | TextComponent
  | ButtonComponent
  | SubmitButtonComponent
  | DividerComponent
  | SpacerComponent
  | SpinnerComponent
  | CopyableComponent
  | FormComponent
  | TextInputComponent
  | PasswordInputComponent
  | NumberInputComponent

JSON-RPC methods


The snap_showInterface method lets Snaps show a user interface arbitrarily. The params MUST be an object, with the following properties:

  • ui (Component): The custom UI to show.

It MUST return a string, which is used as identifier for the user interface. This identifier MUST be unique for each invocation of this method.

interface SnapShowInterfaceRequest {
  method: 'snap_showInterface';
  params: {
    ui: Component;

type SnapShowInterfaceResponse = string;


The snap_updateInterface method lets Snaps update an existing user interface. The params MUST be an object, with the following properties:

  • id (string): The ID of the custom UI to update.
  • ui (Component): The new custom UI to show. This will replace the existing UI.

This method does not return anything.

interface SnapUpdateInterfaceRequest {
  method: 'snap_updateInterface';
  params: {
    id: string;
    ui: Component;


Snaps that require user input in order to continue execution, i.e., checking if a user pressed the confirm or deny button, can use the snap_resolveInterface method to provide the resolved value. This is primarily intended to be used in the onUserInput entry point, see the section “User input” below.

The params MUST be an object, with the following properties:

  • id (string): The ID of the custom UI to resolve.
  • value (Json): A JSON-compatible value to resolve the interface with. This value is passed to the snap_readInterface call.

This method does not return anything.

interface SnapResolveInterfaceRequest {
  method: 'snap_resolveInterface';
  params: {
    id: string;
    value: Json;


Snaps that require user input in order to continue execution, i.e., checking if a user pressed the confirm or deny button, can use the snap_readInterface method to read the resolved value.

The params MUST be an object, with the following properties:

  • id (string): The ID of the custom UI to read.

This method returns the resolved value. If the interface is not resolved yet, this method MUST wait until the interface is resolved, before returning a value.

interface SnapReadInterfaceRequest {
  method: 'snap_readInterface';
  params: {
    id: string;

type SnapReadInterfaceResponse = Json;


The snap_getInterfaceState method lets snaps retrieve an existing user interface state. The interface state contains the values of the different stateful components (forms, inputs, …) entered in the UI. The params MUST be an object, with the following properties:

  • id (string): The ID of the custom UI to read.

This method returns the interface state.

interface SnapGetInterfaceStateRequest {
  method: 'snap_getInterfaceState';
  params: {
    id: string;

type SnapReadInterfaceResponse = Json;

User input

To handle user input in Snaps UI, a snap can expose a new entry point onUserInput.

type OnUserInput =
  (args: { id: string; event: UserInputEvent }) => Promise<void>;

The args MUST be an object, with the following properties:

  • id (string): The ID of the custom UI which triggered the event.
  • event (UserInputEvent): An object that represents the event triggered.

The entry point will be called with appropriate events for the user’s interaction with the Snaps UI.

interface ButtonClickEvent extends UserInputEvent {
  type: 'ButtonClickEvent';
  name?: string;

interface InputChangeEvent extends UserInputEvent {
  type: 'InputChangeEvent';
  name: string;
  value: string;

interface FormSubmitEvent extends UserInputEvent {
  type: 'FormSubmitEvent';
  name: string;
  value: Record<string, string>;

type UserInputEvent = ButtonClickEvent | InputChangeEvent | FormSubmitEvent;


This event SHOULD be called when a button, outside of a form context (submit button), is pressed. If the button component specifies a name, this name MUST be set as name on the event.


This event SHOULD be called when an input value is changed. The input name MUST be set as name on the event and the new value MUST be set as value on the event.


This event SHOULD be called when a form is submited via a type submit button. The form name MUST be set as name on the event and the record containing the form input values MUST be set as value on the event.

Transaction insights

This SIP replaces the type of the onTransaction entry point as defined in SIP 3. The onTransaction entry point MUST return an object, with the insights as Component.

// The `onTransactionArgs` interface from SIP 3.
interface OnTransactionArgs {
  transaction: Record<string, unknown>;

// The new return value.
interface OnTransactionReturn {
  insights: Component;

type OnTransaction = (args: OnTransactionArgs) => Promise<OnTransactionReturn>;


The Snaps UI may also be used similarly to snap_dialog, but SHALL NOT be supported by snap_dialog itself. Instead, it may be used as so:

export const onRpcRequest = async () => {
  const id = await wallet.request({
    method: 'snap_showInterface',
    params: {
      ui: {
        type: 'panel',
        children: [
          /* Loading interface. */

  const data = await fetch(/* ... */);

  // Update user interface based on new `data`.
  await wallet.request({
    method: 'snap_updateInterface',
    params: {
      ui: {
        type: 'panel',
        children: [
          /* Some components based on the `data`. */

  return await wallet.request({
    method: 'snap_readInterface',
    params: {

// Triggered by a potential button in the UI
export const onUserInput = async ({ event, id }) => {
  await wallet.request({
    method: 'snap_resolveInterface',
    params: {
      value: 'foo',

Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.


Please cite this document as:

Frederik Bolding, Maarten Zuidhoorn, Guillaume Roux, "SIP-7: Snaps UI [DRAFT]," Snaps Improvement Proposals, no. 7, October 2022. [Online serial]. Available: