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Install Snaps

To use Snaps, you must install MetaMask Flask and the Snaps CLI.

You can then get started quickly using the Snaps template.


  • Up-to-date Chromium or Firefox browser
  • Node.js version 16 or later
  • npm or Yarn

Install MetaMask Flask

MetaMask Flask is a canary distribution for developers that provides access to upcoming MetaMask features. Snaps is the first feature rolled out in the Flask environment.

Install Flask in a new browser profile, or disable any existing installed versions of MetaMask before installing Flask.


Running multiple instances of MetaMask in the same browser profile breaks dapp interactions.

Install the Snaps CLI

The Snaps CLI provides commands for initiating a snap project and building, executing, and serving your snap for local development.

In a terminal window, install the CLI globally using npm or Yarn:

npm install -g @metamask/snaps-cli
yarn global add @metamask/snaps-cli

Verify the installation and display usage instructions:

mm-snap --help