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Use custom UI

The snap_dialog RPC method and onTransaction exported method use the @metamask/snaps-ui module to display custom user interface (UI) components.

To use custom UI, first install @metamask/snaps-ui using the following command:

yarn add @metamask/snaps-ui

Then, whenever you're required to return a custom UI component, import the components from the package and build your UI with them. For example:

import { panel, heading, text } from '@metamask/snaps-ui';

// ...

const content = panel([
heading('Alert heading'),
text('Something happened in the system.'),

return content;


The NodeType enum exported by @metamask/snaps-ui details the available components.


Outputs a read-only text field with a copy-to-clipboard shortcut.

import { copyable } from '@metamask/snaps-ui';

// ...

const content = copyable('Text to be copied');


Outputs a horizontal divider.

import { panel, divider, text } from '@metamask/snaps-ui';

// ...

const content = panel([
text('Text before the divider'),
text('Text after the divider'),


Outputs a heading. This is useful for panel titles.

import { panel, heading, text } from '@metamask/snaps-ui';

// ...

const content = panel([
heading('Title of the panel'),
text('Text of the panel'),


Outputs a panel, which can be used as a container for other components.

import { panel, heading, text } from '@metamask/snaps-ui';

// ...

const insights = [
const content = panel([
heading('Here are the transaction insights'), => text(insight.description)),


Outputs a loading indicator.

import { panel, heading, spinner } from '@metamask/snaps-ui';

// ...

const content = panel([heading('Please wait...'), spinner()]);


Outputs text.

import { text } from '@metamask/snaps-ui';

// ...

const content = text('This is a simple text UI');


Text-based components accept a very small subset of Markdown: **bold** and _italic_. This subset will be increased in the future.